  • RAA增设数据论文专栏

    Published on Jul 09, 2024


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  • RAA增设数据论文专栏

    Published on Jul 09, 2024


  • 关于招募RAA青年编委的通知

    Published on Mar 18, 2024

    为进一步提升RAA学术影响力,高效推进期刊建设,搭建高水平学术交流平台,充分调动天文和天体物理学领域的青年学者参与办刊的热情,现面向全国公开招募青年编委,诚邀具有独立科研能力、有意愿为期刊发展贡献力量的青年学者积极申请。 一、申请条件(1) 热心期刊工作,有精力、有意愿为建设我国高水平国际学术期刊贡献力量;(2)年龄原则上在40周岁以下,具有副高级及以上职称;(3)曾主持国家级科研项目至少1项;(4)学风...

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  • 关于招募RAA青年编委的通知

    Published on Mar 18, 2024

    为进一步提升RAA学术影响力,高效推进期刊建设,搭建高水平学术交流平台,充分调动天文和天体物理学领域的青年学者参与办刊的热情,现面向全国公开招募青年编委,诚邀具有独立科研能力、有意愿为期刊发展贡献力量的青年学者积极申请。 一、申请条件(1) 热心期刊工作,有精力、有意愿为建设我国高水平国际学术期刊贡献力量;(2)年龄原则上在40周岁以下,具有副高级及以上职称;(3)曾主持国家级科研项目至少1项;(4)学风...

  • RAA发表基本天文学服务标准(SOFA) 的Python软件包: PyMsOfa

    Published on Dec 08, 2023

    近邻宜居行星巡天计划(Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey, CHES)将发射一个1.2米口径空间望远镜, 通过微角秒级的相对天体测量方法探测围绕100颗近邻类太阳型恒星(距太阳系约32 光年)的宜居带类地行星。相关研究将回答“地球是否唯一”及“行星如何成为生命摇篮”等重大科学问题。CHES团队围绕空间探测任务开展了先期研究,搭建了一个基于Python的仿真平台,其中包含行星轨道参数反演、卫星观测视场仿真、观测策略与方案...

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  • RAA发表基本天文学服务标准(SOFA) 的Python软件包: PyMsOfa

    Published on Dec 08, 2023

    近邻宜居行星巡天计划(Closeby Habitable Exoplanet Survey, CHES)将发射一个1.2米口径空间望远镜, 通过微角秒级的相对天体测量方法探测围绕100颗近邻类太阳型恒星(距太阳系约32 光年)的宜居带类地行星。相关研究将回答“地球是否唯一”及“行星如何成为生命摇篮”等重大科学问题。CHES团队围绕空间探测任务开展了先期研究,搭建了一个基于Python的仿真平台,其中包含行星轨道参数反演、卫星观测视场仿真、观测策略与方案...

  • 2023年“科研大咖说”系列讲座

    Published on Nov 03, 2023

            2023年10月31日,由RAA编辑部承办的“科研大咖说”系列讲座在国家天文台A601会议室顺利举办。讲座同时进行了线上直播。    本次讲座邀请到汪景琇院士作为开讲嘉宾。汪院士结合自己多年来在科研工作和教育教学中积累的宝贵经验,从论文选题、论文组织、写作训练和学术道德等方面与参会者分享了诸多的心得体会。有幸聆听“科研大咖”的经验之谈,并与“科研大咖”面对面交流,参会者纷纷表示收获良多,受益匪...

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  • 2023年“科研大咖说”系列讲座

    Published on Nov 03, 2023

            2023年10月31日,由RAA编辑部承办的“科研大咖说”系列讲座在国家天文台A601会议室顺利举办。讲座同时进行了线上直播。    本次讲座邀请到汪景琇院士作为开讲嘉宾。汪院士结合自己多年来在科研工作和教育教学中积累的宝贵经验,从论文选题、论文组织、写作训练和学术道德等方面与参会者分享了诸多的心得体会。有幸聆听“科研大咖”的经验之谈,并与“科研大咖”面对面交流,参会者纷纷表示收获良多,受益匪...

  • RAA发布“近邻宜居行星巡天计划”

    Published on Jul 08, 2022

    2022年7月,《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》(RAA)以封面文章的形式发表了我国天文学家主持的“近邻宜居行星巡天计划”。《科技日报》、中央人民广播电台、、phys.org和TMT等国内外媒体和网站争相对该计划进行了追踪报道,《新华社》录制英文视频向全球发布了这一巡天计划。

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  • RAA发布“近邻宜居行星巡天计划”

    Published on Jul 08, 2022

    2022年7月,《Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics》(RAA)以封面文章的形式发表了我国天文学家主持的“近邻宜居行星巡天计划”。《科技日报》、中央人民广播电台、、phys.org和TMT等国内外媒体和网站争相对该计划进行了追踪报道,《新华社》录制英文视频向全球发布了这一巡天计划。

  • Full Production by IOPP for RAA Starting in 2022

    Published on Nov 04, 2021

    From January 2022, RAA's international publisher IOP Publishing (IOPP) will perform full production on all RAA accepted papers. The full production by IOPP will accelerate RAA's article production process, thus publishing papers more rapidly. Dear RAA authors,
      From January 2022, RAA's international publisher IOP Publishing (IOPP) will perform full production on all RAA accepted papers.
      A DOI will be assigned to your paper after the paper is released on, and your paper will also be put in the list of  Accepted manuscripts on the page. IOPP has page layouts to suit both digita...

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  • Full Production by IOPP for RAA Starting in 2022

    Published on Nov 04, 2021

    From January 2022, RAA's international publisher IOP Publishing (IOPP) will perform full production on all RAA accepted papers. The full production by IOPP will accelerate RAA's article production process, thus publishing papers more rapidly. Dear RAA authors,
      From January 2022, RAA's international publisher IOP Publishing (IOPP) will perform full production on all RAA accepted papers.
      A DOI will be assigned to your paper after the paper is released on, and your paper will also be put in the list of  Accepted manuscripts on the page. IOPP has page layouts to suit both digita...

  • RAA has moved to ScholarOne System

    Published on Nov 04, 2015

    RAA has moved our online peer review system to the ScholarOne (S1) system ( on Nov 4, 2015. Please submit your new submission to our new system, however current submissions will still stay in the OJS system until their review process is finished. We will also keep the OJS system as our publishing system. RAA has moved our online peer review system to the ScholarOne (S1) system ( on Nov 4, 2015. Please submit your new submission to our new system, however current submissions will still stay in the OJS system until their review process is finished. We will also keep the OJS system as our publishing system.

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  • RAA has moved to ScholarOne System

    Published on Nov 04, 2015

    RAA has moved our online peer review system to the ScholarOne (S1) system ( on Nov 4, 2015. Please submit your new submission to our new system, however current submissions will still stay in the OJS system until their review process is finished. We will also keep the OJS system as our publishing system. RAA has moved our online peer review system to the ScholarOne (S1) system ( on Nov 4, 2015. Please submit your new submission to our new system, however current submissions will still stay in the OJS system until their review process is finished. We will also keep the OJS system as our publishing system.

  • Statement about Plagiarism

    Published on Oct 17, 2013

    In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. We will contact the author of an article that shows significant amounts of plagiarism. Dear Authors and Readers,
      In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. We will contact the author of an article that shows significant amounts of plagiarism. The communications with authors regarding the amount and type ...

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  • Statement about Plagiarism

    Published on Oct 17, 2013

    In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. We will contact the author of an article that shows significant amounts of plagiarism. Dear Authors and Readers,
      In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. We will contact the author of an article that shows significant amounts of plagiarism. The communications with authors regarding the amount and type ...

  • Statement about Plagiarism

    Published on Jun 21, 2013

    In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. Dear Authors and Readers,
      In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. We will contact the author of an article that shows significant amounts of plagiarism. The communications with authors regarding the amount and type ...

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  • Statement about Plagiarism

    Published on Jun 21, 2013

    In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. Dear Authors and Readers,
      In order to prevent possible instances of plagiarism, RAA will check all incoming articles that are submitted with commercial software designed to detect plagiarism. We will begin to implement this policy immediately. We will contact the author of an article that shows significant amounts of plagiarism. The communications with authors regarding the amount and type ...

  • Call for papers

    Published on Sep 23, 2008

    We are pleased and proud to announce that a new peer-reviewed, international journal, ‘Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA)’ will be launched in the coming International Year of Astronomy, 2009. It is established by transforming an earlier bi-monthly journal, ChJAA into a monthly journal, involving scientific co-operation with several neighboring countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Dear colleagues and friends,
      We greatly thank you for your kind support and contributions to Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ChJAA) throughout the years. Now we are pleased and proud to announce that a new peer-reviewed, international journal, ‘Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA)’ will be launched in the coming International Year of Astronomy, 2009. It is establish...

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  • Call for papers

    Published on Sep 23, 2008

    We are pleased and proud to announce that a new peer-reviewed, international journal, ‘Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA)’ will be launched in the coming International Year of Astronomy, 2009. It is established by transforming an earlier bi-monthly journal, ChJAA into a monthly journal, involving scientific co-operation with several neighboring countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Dear colleagues and friends,
      We greatly thank you for your kind support and contributions to Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ChJAA) throughout the years. Now we are pleased and proud to announce that a new peer-reviewed, international journal, ‘Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA)’ will be launched in the coming International Year of Astronomy, 2009. It is establish...