Full Production by IOPP for RAA Starting in 2022
Posted: Nov 04, 2021
Dear RAA authors,
From January 2022, RAA's international publisher IOP Publishing (IOPP) will perform full production on all RAA accepted papers.
A DOI will be assigned to your paper after the paper is released on https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1674-4527, and your paper will also be put in the list of Accepted manuscripts on the page. IOPP has page layouts to suit both digital and print versions. Working with RAA's language editors, IOPP will apply language editing. IOPP will also carry out a Crossref look-up to apply reference linking.
IOPP will invite the authors to check the proof through the online editing tool. An author-facing version of this tool provides a simple Word-like interface which can be used to write corrections directly into the article XML. Alternatively, IOPP can provide a PDF proof for authors via a notification and deep link from Proton. In this case the authors are required to annotate and return the PDF with their corrections.
The full production by IOPP will accelerate RAA's article production process, thus publishing papers more rapidly. Hopefully, you will enjoy the transition to the full production provided by IOPP. Thank you very much for your cooperation and support of RAA.
Best regards,
The Editorial Office of RAA
It accepts original submissions from all over the world and is internationally published and distributed by IOP