Abstract A spatial orientation of angular momentum vectors of galaxies in six dynamically unstable Abell clusters (S1171, S0001, A1035, A1373, A1474 and A4053) is studied. For this, two-dimensional observed parameters (e.g., positions, diameters and position angles) are converted into three-dimensional (3D) rotation axes of the galaxy using the ‘position angle - inclination’ method. The expected isotropic distribution curves for angular momentum vectors are obtained by performing random simulations. The observed and expected distributions are compared using several statistical tests. No preferred alignments of angular momentum vectors of galaxies are noticed in all six dynamically unstable clusters, supporting the hierarchy model of galaxy formation. These clusters have a larger value of velocity dispersion. However, local effects are noticed in the clusters that have substructures in the 1D-3D number density maps.
Keywords galaxies: evolution — galaxies: clusters: general — astronomical databases: miscellaneous
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