Vol 23, No 8

Timing and Single-pulse Study of Pulsar J1909+0122 Discovered by CRAFTS

Yutong Chen, Pei Wang, Di Li, Erbil Gügercinoğlu, Rushuang Zhao, Lingqi Meng, Jianping Yuan, Jiarui Niu, Weiwei Zhu, Yi Feng et al


We report the discovery of PSR J1909+0122 by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) as part of the Commensal Radio Astronomy FAST Survey. PSR J1909+0122 has a spin period of 1.257 s and a dispersion measure of 186.2 pc cm−3. The averaged pulse profile shows two distinct components. We performed a single-pulse study based on a one-hour observation at 1.25 GHz on 2021 August 23. We used a threshold of 5σep to measure the nulling fraction (NF) as 63% ± 1.5%. The longitude-resolved fluctuation spectra and fast Fourier transform spectra of the binary sequences revealed the quasi-periodicity of nulling with a period of 30 rotation periods. We examined the reliability of the periodicity by comparing it to random noise injection. The NF, \(\dot{E}\), and modulation periodicity PM of PSR J1909+0122 were compared with other periodic nulling pulsars, showing that the source of J1909+0122 has the second largest NF in the population. Long-term timing observations over six months were used to derive the phase-connected ephemeris of this pulsar. The measured P and \(\dot{P}\) values disfavor dipolar geometry for polar gap models, and the prediction for a space-charge-limited flow model in the case of inverse Compton scattering is only just above the death line. In this work, PSR J1909+0122 has revealed possible correlations between nulling behavior and pulsar properties, which will help to shed light on the pulsar emission mechanism and its temporal evolution in future observations.


Key words: (stars:) pulsars: general – (stars:) pulsars: individual (PSR J1909+0122) – stars: neutron

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