We carry out an optical morphological and infrared spectral study for two young planetary nebulae (PNs) Hen 2-158 and Pe 1-1 to understand their complex shapes and dust properties. Hubble Space Telescope optical images reveal that these nebulae have several bipolar-lobed structures and a faint arc with a clear boundary is located at the northwestern side of Pe 1-1. The presence of this arc-shaped structure suggests that the object interacts with its nearby interstellar medium. Spitzer IRS spectroscopic observations of these young nebulae clearly show prominent unidentified infrared emission features and a weak silicate band in Pe 1-1, indicating that Hen 2-158 is a carbon-rich nebula and Pe 1-1 has a mixed chemistry dust environment. Furthermore, we construct two three-dimensional models for these PNs to realize their intrinsic structures. The simulated models of the nebulae suggest that multipolar nebulae may be more numerous than we thought. Our analyses of spectral energy distributions for Hen 2-158 and Pe 1-1 show that they have low luminosities and low stellar effective temperatures, suggesting that these nebulae are young PNs. A possible correlation between typical multipolar young PNs and nested nebulae is also discussed.
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