Abstract I find that \(a \simeq 0.1 - 1 M_{\odot}\) outflowing equatorial dusty disk (torus) that the binary system progenitor of an intermediate luminosity optical transient (ILOT) ejects several years to several months before and during the outburst can reduce the total emission to an equatorial observer by two orders of magnitude and shifts the emission to wavelengths of mainly \(\lambda \gtrsim 10 \mu\)m. This is termed a type II ILOT (ILOT II). To reach this conclusion, I use calculations of type II active galactic nuclei and apply them to the equatorial ejecta (disk/torus) of ILOTs II. This reduction in emission can last for tens of years after outburst. Most of the radiation escapes along the polar directions. The attenuation of the emission for wavelengths of \(\lambda < 5 \mu\)m can be more than three orders of magnitude, and the emission at \(\lambda \lessim 2 \mu\)m is negligible. Jets that the binary system launches during the outburst can collide with polar CSM and emit radiation above the equatorial plane and dust in the polar outflow can reflect emission from the central source. Therefore, during the event itself the equatorial observer might detect an ILOT. I strengthen the previously suggested ILOT II scenario to the event N6946-BH1, where a red giant star disappeared in the visible.
Keywords binaries: close — stars: jets — stars: variables: general
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