Vol 21, No 12

Preliminary analysis on the noise characteristics of MWISP data

Jia-Jun Cai, Ji Yang, Sheng Zheng, Qing-Zeng Yan, Shao-Bo Zhang, Xin Zhou, Hao-Ran Feng


Abstract Noise is a significant part within a millimeter-wave molecular line datacube. Analyzing the noise improves our understanding of noise characteristics, and further contributes to scientific discoveries. We measure the noise level of a single datacube from MWISP and perform statistical analyses. We identified major factors which increase the noise level of a single datacube, including bad channels, edge effects, baseline distortion and line contamination. Cleaning algorithms are applied to remove or reduce these noise components. As a result, we obtained the cleaned datacube in which noise follows a positively skewed normal distribution. We further analyzed the noise structure distribution of a 3D mosaicked datacube in the range \(l = 40^{\circ}.7\) to \(43^{\circ}.3\) and \(b = −2^{\circ}.3\) to \(0^{\circ}.3\) and found that noise in the final mosaicked datacube is mainly characterized by noise fluctuation among the cells.


Keywords methods: analytical — methods: data analysis — methods: statistical

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