Abstract There continues to be good reason to believe that dark matter particles, which only “feel” the gravitational force, influence the local and distant Universe, despite drawing a complete blank in the search for such a particle. The expansion rate of the Universe is defined by the Hubble constant h. Measurements of the Hubble constant at different wavelengths produce different results, differing well beyond their errors. Here it is shown that the two precise but different values for the Hubble constant can be used to derive the mass of a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP). An approximate mass of 1022 eV is determined with indications of why, so far, it has not been found and what is required to get positive confirmation of its presence. This result also indicates that the Hubble constant is the sum of more than one contribution with suggestions for experimental tests to determine, more precisely, the level of these contributions.
Keywords cosmology: theory— cosmology: dark matter— cosmology: cosmic background radiation
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