Abstract We study spectral and temporal properties of Galactic short orbital period transient black hole XTE J1118+480 during its 2005 outburst using archival data of RXTE PCA and HEXTE instruments in the combined energy range of 3 − 100 keV. Spectral analysis with the physical two component advective flow (TCAF) model allows us to understand the accretion flow properties of the source. We found that this outburst of XTE J1118+480 is an unconventional outburst as the source was only in the hard state (HS). Our spectral analysis suggests that during the entire outburst, the source was highly dominated by the low angular momentum sub-Keplerian halo rate. Since the source was active in radio throughout the outburst, we make an effort to estimate X-ray contribution of jets to total observed X-ray emissions from the spectral analysis with the TCAF model. The total X-ray intensity shows a similar nature of evolution as that of radio and jet X-ray fluxes. This allowed us to define this ‘outburst’ also as a jet dominated ‘outburst’. Total X-ray flux is also found to subside when jet activity disappears. Our detailed spectral analysis also indicated that although the source was only in the HS during the outburst, in the late declining phase the spectrum became slightly softer due to the slow rise in the Keplerian disk rate.
Keywords X-Rays: binaries — stars: black holes — stars individual: (XTE J1118+480) — accretion, accretion disks — ISM: jets and outflows — radiation: dynamics
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