Vol 19, No 6

Dish Verification Antenna China for the SKA: design, verification and status

Biao Du, Yang Wu, Yuan-Peng Zheng, Xiao-Ming Chai, Guo-Xi Liu, Hai-Dong Wang, Yi-Fan Zhang, Sheng-Hua Yu, Bin Liu, Ye-Zhao Yu, Hong-Wei Xi, Long Chen, Lei Yu, Dong-Liang Liu, Cheng-Jin Jin, Bo Peng


Abstract The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will be the world’s largest synthesis radio telescope, which is designed to answer major scientific questions such as those relating to the cosmic origin and fundamental forces in the universe. With the SKA entering into the phase of pre-construction, more than 100 institutes in about 20 countries including China have been involved in the associated key technology development. The Dish Verification Antenna China (DVA-C) is a concept prototype which has been built to meet the requirements of the SKA’s scientific goals. It utilizes a unique skin-and-rib structure with single-piece panel reflectors. This paper presents details on the design and measured performances of DVA-C, as well as the preliminary observational results. Current applications of the DVA-C are also introduced.


Keywords Square Kilometre Array — radio telescope — dish — single-piece panel

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