Abstract We study the electromagnetic radiation from a newborn magnetar whose magnetic tilt angle decreases rapidly. We calculate the evolution of the angular spin frequency, the perpendicular component of the surface magnetic field strength, and the energy loss rate through magnetic dipole radiation. We show that the spin-down of the magnetar experiences two stages characterized by two different timescales. The apparent magnetic field decreases with the decrease of the tilt angle. We further show that the energy loss rate of the magnetar is very different from that in the case of a fixed tilt angle. The evolution of the energy loss rate is consistent with the overall light curves of gamma-ray bursts which show a plateau structure in their afterglow stage. Our model supports the idea that some gamma-ray bursts with a plateau phase in their afterglow stage may originate from newborn millisecond magnetars.
Keywords magnetic fields — star: magnetars — gamma-ray bursts: general
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