Vol 9, No 5

Magnetic interactions during sympathetic solar eruptions

Yun-Chun Jiang, Yi Bi, Jia-Yan Yang, Rui-Sheng Zheng, Jing-Xiu Wang


Abstract We present the first evidence for occurrences of magnetic interactions between a jet, a filament and coronal loops during a complex event, in which two flares sequentially occurred at different positions of the same active region and were closely associated with two successive coronal mass ejections (CMEs), respectively. The coronal loops were located outside but nearby the filament channel before the flares. The jet, originating from the first flare during its rise phase, not only hit the filament body but also met one of the ends of the loops. The filament then underwent an inclined eruption followed by the second flare and met the same loop end once more. Both the jet and the filament eruption were accompanied by the development of loop disturbances and the appearances of brightenings around the meeting site. In particular, the erupting filament showed clear manifestations of interactions with the loops. After a short holdup, only its portion passed through this site, while the other portion remained at the same place. Following the filament eruption and the loop disappearance, four dimmings were formed and located near their four ends. This is a situation that we define as “quadrupolar dimmings.” It appears that the two flares consisted of a sympathetic pair physically linked by the interaction between the jet and the filament, and their sympathy indicated that of the two CMEs. Moreover, it is very likely that the two sympathetic CMEs were simultaneously associated with the disappearing loops and the quadrupole dimmings.


Keywords Sun: activity — Sun: coronal mass ejections (CMEs) — Sun: filaments —Sun: flares — Sun: magnetic fields— Sun: corona

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