Abstract Chandra observations of the Seyfert-2 galaxies NGC 2110 and NGC 7582 are presented. With the superb spatial resolution of Chandra we found that in NGC 7582 the soft (≤2 keV) and hard (2--10 keV) X-rays are emitted in different regions, consistent with the report by Xue et al. By comparing the present X-ray data with the previous infrared data, we determined that the soft X-ray region is the site of starburst activities. We found no significant temporal variations during our observations. We confirm the previous finding that NGC 2110 and NGC 7582 are flat-spectrum sources. We argue that the flat spectra may result from a cold absorbing material such as envisaged in the ``dual absorbed" model. Strong Fe Kα emission feature is detected in 6∼7 keV. Its equivalent width is so large that it cannot be reproduced by using the Galactic column density of ∼1022 cm-2.
Keywords X-rays: image --- X-ray: spectrum --- Galaxy: Seyfert --- Galaxy: individuals: NGC 7582 and NGC 2110
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