Prof. Wei Cui
Source: 李向华 Posted: Feb 06, 2023
Biographical sketch
Wei Cui is a professor in the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University (China) and an American Physical Society Fellow. He obtained his PhD in physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1994, and then joined MIT as a Research Scientist, working on the construction and operation of the All-Sky Monitor (ASM) on the RXTE satellite and carrying out research on compact objects based on RXTE observations. In 2000, he joined the faculty of the Department of Physics at Purdue University, and became a full professor in 2009. He participated in the construction and operation of VERITAS, a state-of-the-art TeV gamma-ray observatory, and re-focused his research on cosmic particle accelerators. In 2016, he accepted a joint appointment with Tsinghua University as Professor of Physics, and then joined the university fully as a professor in the newly-formed Department of Astronomy. He is the PI of the proposed Hot Universe Baryon Surveyor (HUBS) mission, which aims at filling a void in probing cosmic baryons.
Research interests
Instrumentation for astronomical applications, galaxy ecosystems
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