Prof. Gang Zhao
Posted: Mar 21, 2022
Biographical sketch
Zhao Gang is the leading professor of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), a member of the Physics and Astronomy Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council of China, Director of the Key Lab of Optical Astronomy, CAS, and the President of the Chinese Astronomical Society during 2006-2010.
Prof. Zhao has been devoting himself to observational astronomy for over 20 years. He has taken the lead in detailed quantitative analysis of chemical elements based on a large sample of high-resolution spectra of poor-metal dwarfs. Prof. Zhao was the one who gave the new empirical formula of the influence of neutral hydrogen collision for NLTE analysis. Meanwhile, he began the research direction of chemical abundance of extra-solar planetary systems, and found one extra-solar planet for the first time with the domestic telescope. Prof. Zhao was honored with the Chinese Young Scientists Prize in 2002. He was also the winner of Second Prize of National Natural Science in 2008, as well as winner of the Science and Technology Award of the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation in 2010.
Research Interests
Stellar Spectra, Stellar Nucleosynthesis, Chemical Evolution of Galaxy, Laboratory Astrophysics, Stellar Chemical Abundances, Extra-solar planet searching
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