Abstract Neutrinos play an important role in stellar evolution. They are produced by nuclear reactions or thermal processes. Using the stellar evolution code Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA), we study stellar neutrino luminosity with different masses. The neutrino luminosities of stars with different initial masses at different evolutionary stages are simulated. We find that the neutrino flux of a star with 1 M⊙ mass at an evolutionary age of 4.61 × 109 yr is consistent with that of the Sun. In general, neutrinos are produced by nuclear reactions, and the neutrino luminosity of stars is about one or two magnitudes lower than the photo luminosity. However, neutrino luminosity can exceed photo luminosity during the helium flash which can occur for stars with a mass lower than 8 M⊙. Although the helium flash does not produce neutrinos, plasma decay, one of the thermal processes, can efficiently make neutrinos during this stage. Due to the high mass-loss rate, a star with a mass of 9 M⊙ does not undergo the helium flash. Its neutrinos mainly originate from nuclear reactions until the end of the AGB stage. At the end of the AGB stage, its neutrino luminosity results from plasma decay which is triggered by the gravitational energy release because of the stellar core contracting.
Keywords stars: evolution — stars: fundamental parameters — nuclear reactions — nucleosynthesis — abundances
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