Abstract We present the physical parameters of three short period close binaries using data observed from the Kepler Space Telescope. All of these observations were taken in a single bandpass (which approximates the Johnson V-band). Our three systems are KIC 2715417, KIC 6050116 and KIC 6287172. The first system, KIC 2715417, is considered a semi-detached system with the secondary component filling its Roche lobe. The second system, KIC 6050116, is an overcontact system, while the third system, KIC 6287172, belongs to ellipsoidal variables as deduced from the Roche lobe geometry. For photometric analysis, we used the PHOEBE software package, which is based on the Wilson−Devinney code. Due to lack of spectroscopic data, the photometric mass ratios are determined from the analyses of light curves using the q-search method. The absolute parameters are determined using three different methods (Harmanec, Maceroni & Van’tVeer and Gazeas & Niarchos).
Keywords stars: binaries: eclipsing — stars: fundamental parameters — stars: luminosity function, mass function — stars: individual (KIC 2715417, KIC 6050116 and KIC 6287172)
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