Abstract The China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite (CSES) will investigate iono-magnetospheric disturbance and will monitor the temporal stability of the inner Van Allen radiation belts. In particular, the mission aims at confirming the existences of a temporal correlation between the occurrence of earth-quakes and the observation of electromagnetic disturbances, plasma fluctuations and anomalous fluxes of high-energy particles precipitating from the inner Van Allen belt in space. The high energy detector of the High Energy Particle Package (HEPP-H) is a payload onboard CSES and is designed for detecting electrons (2–50 MeV) and protons (20–200 MeV) in its 500 km orbit above Earth. CSES was launched in February 2018. In this paper, the instrumentation and development of the HEPP-H calorimeter are described. The calibration with beam particles (electrons and protons) is discussed in detail.
Keywords telescopes — instrumentation: detectors — site testing
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