Vol 16, No 9

The effects of convective overshooting on naked helium stars

Jing-Zhi Yan, Chun-Hua Zhu, Zhao-Jun Wang, Guo-Liang Lü


Abstract Using stellar evolutionary models, we investigate the effects of convective overshooting on naked helium stars. We find that a larger value of overshooting parameter δov results in a larger convective core, which prolongs the lifetimes of naked helium stars on the helium main sequence and leads to higher effective temperatures and luminosities. For naked helium stars with masses lower than about 0.8 M⊙, they hardly become giant stars as a result of a weak burning shell. However, naked helium stars with masses between about 0.8 M⊙ and 1.1 M⊙ can evolve into giant branch phases, and finally become carbon oxygen white dwarfs.


Keywords stars: evolution — stars: interiors — stars: fundamental parameters

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