Vol 15, No 1

Variation of the inner disk radius during the onset of the 2010 outburst of MAXI J1659–152

Anjali Rao Jassal, Santosh V. Vadawale


Abstract Low mass black hole binaries are generally transient sources and spend most of their time in the quiescent state. It is believed that the inner accretion flow in the quiescent state is in the form of advection dominated accretion flow and the cold outer accretion disk is truncated far away from the central black hole. During the onset of an outburst, the disk gradually extends towards the central black hole. However, the observational evidence for this general picture is indirect at best. Here we present the results of a study performed to understand the variation of the inner disk radius during the early phase of an outburst. We investigated the variation of the inner disk radius during the 2010 outburst of the black hole candidate MAXI J1659-152 using the method of simultaneous spectral fitting. We found that the inner edge of the disk is truncated at a large radius in the beginning of the outburst when the source was in the hard state. We found a systematic decrease in the inner disk radius as the outburst progressed. We also estimated an upper limit on the mass of the black hole to be 8.1 ± 2.9 M⊙ within the uncertainty of the distance and inclination angle.


Keywords accretion, accretion disks — black hole physics — X-rays: binaries — X-rays: individual (MAXI J1659–152)

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