Vol 8, No S

Chandra Multi-Wavelength Project: Normal Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift

D.-W. Kim, P. J. Green, W. A. Barkhouse, E. R. Colmenero, D. Haggard, M. Kim, E. Schlegel, J. D. Silverman, H. Tananbaum, B. J. Wilkes


Abstract We investigate Chandra extragalactic sources, including galaxies with narrow emission line (NELG) and absorption line galaxies (ALG), but excluding broad emission line AGNs and quasars. Based on f_{X}/f_{O}, L_{X}, X-ray spectral hardness and optical emission line diagnostics, we have conservatively classified normal galaxies. With our ChaMP galaxy sample (extended to include 6 years of Chandra data) and additional normal galaxies found in other X-ray surveys, we discuss their L_{X}/L_{B} evolution, log(N)-log(S) relationship, off-nucleus ULXs, XBONGs, and E+A galaxies.


Keywords surveys X-rays: galaxies

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