Vol 8, No S

Distributions of the Signals from Gravitational Antennas versus Nautilus Local Sidereal Hours (NaLSh) and Correlations between the Signals and X-ray Signatures in Close Binary Systems and SGR

G. P. Murtas


Abstract I have considered coincidences between signals detected by resonant detectors of Gravitational Wave NAUTILUS and EXPLORER located in LNF Frascati and CERN Geneva SW. Time coincidences acceptance is ±10 s. In this way the coincidences are accidentals and have a physical meaning if they are due to projectiles hitting independently the two distant detectors. In order to understand the phenomena I have performed correlations with X-ray detected by satellites and found that 4U1820-30, XTEJ1550-564, SGR1627-41, SGR1900+14, SGR1806-20, during the 1997, 1998 ware the responsible Sources. Studying the energy distribution of the projectiles versus NAUTILUS Local Sidereal hours I found that these projectiles have a quadrupolar structure, transport polarization, and the simplest interpretation is that they are GRAVITONS.


Keywords neutron star SGR black hole gravitational wave gravitons

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