
Molecular Cores in Different Evolutionary Stages near Luminous IRAS Sources and UC HII Regions

Lei Zhu, Yue-Fang Wu


Abstract We report the results of 12CO and 13CO J=1–0 observations of eight candidates of Ultra-Compact (UC) HII regions with the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) Qinghai 13.7 -m telescope, which resulted in revealing 11 molecular cores. Their masses range from 130 to 1.7×104 M⊙, with different spatial scales (1~ 6 pc). Also presented are the relevant HCO+J=1–0 maps, which enabled us to investigate more detailed structures of these cores. Further comparisons show that four of the cores deviated from the centers of infrared (MIR) emission of Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX), while others correspond either to bright MIR sources or diffuse MIR background. This indicates various evolutionary phases of the cores, including quite early ones for those without MIR sources.



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