Vol 6, No 6

Do Radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei really follow the same MBH–σ* Relation as Normal Galaxies?

Yi Liu, Dong-Rong Jiang


Abstract In an examination of the relationship between the black hole mass MBH and stellar velocity dispersion σ* in radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs), we studied two effects which may cause uncertainties in the black hole mass estimates of radio-loud AGNs: the relativistic beaming effect on the observed optical continuum radiation and the orientation effect on the broad emission line width. After correcting these two effects, we re-examined the MBH– σ[OIII] relation for a sample of radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs, and found the relation for radio-loud AGNs still deviated from that for nearby normal galaxies and radio-quiet AGNs. We also found there is no significant correlation between radio jet power and narrow [OIII] line width, indicating absence of strong interaction between radio jet and narrow line region. It may be that the deviation of the MBH– σ* relation of radio-loud AGNs is intrinsic, or that the [OIII] line width is not a good indicator of σ* for radio-loud AGNs.



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