Vol 3, No S1

The Hubble Space Telescope: Past, Present, and Future

Nino Panagia


Abstract I present and illustrate some of the most recent results and the plans for future observations, including the current studies of solar system planets, the extensive imaging of the Helix Nebula, the detection of superluminally expanding light echoes around the newly discovered variable star V838 Mon, the repeated measurements of the collision of SN 1987A ejecta with its inner circumstellar ring, that show a marked increase of high energy interactions, the study of M31 halo stellar populations and the puzzle of their origin, and the plans for the Ultra-Deep Field observations that will probe the Universe to an unprecedented depth.


Keywords planets and satellites: individual (Mars, Neptune) -- planetary nebulae: individual (NGC 7293) -- novae, cataclysmic variables -- supernovae: individual (1987A) -- galaxies: halos - - cosmology: early universe

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